Friday 22 February 2013

Posted by Teju Naik
No comments | 07:35


  • 565 ml full cream or semi-skimmed milk
  • 2 tablespoons good-quality drinking chocolate
  • 1 handful marshmallows
  • Sugar to taste


  • First put the milk into a pan.
  • Bring to a simmer – not a boil.
  • Put a tablespoon of choccie powder and sugar to taste into each mug.
  • Add a little warmish milk from the pan to each mug – you just need enough to dissolve the chocolate powder.
  • At this point, plonk a few marshmallows into each mug.
  • When the milk is at a simmer, carefully pour it into a plastic jug or flask.
  • I normally do this over a sink as I always end up spilling a bit (have a big jug or flask so that milk is only half filled – you need the extra space for shaking and frothing).
  • Screw the lid on tightly, place a cloth over the lid for safety, and shake well for a minute.
  • Remove the lid, and pour the milk into your mugs.
A little stir and you can slurp your way to heaven!!!!


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